Information at Your Finger Tips Using Accounts Software


Have you ever wanted to get some information and you have to telephone your accountant to get it? Well now, you do not have to wait for your accountant to finish preparing your accounts to get your books back.

The accountant then spends time looking for the information, and finally you get the information you desperately need. The problem is that telephone phone call did not just cost you time, it cost you the amount the accountant has added to your invoice web mercantile software.

No longer do you have to do that. If you use accounts software, then you will be able to go to your computer and immediately get the information needed.

You need to complete your VAT return? Not a problem because the VAT report will be printed for you.

A customer telephones you and wants to get a duplicate copy of their invoice – not a problem because you can immediately find it and print off a new copy.

No more rummaging through boxes of invoices or going through the ledgers to find the items you are looking for. Now, you can do it immediately as you use your accounts software.

You wonder what your bank balance is, and you find that your bank is updating their web site, so you cannot access your account. No problem! You can now find out the exact balance on each bank account. Not the balance at the bank, but the exact balance including all the outstanding checks and banking.

Nothing could be easier as you have every piece of information at your finger tips when you are using accounts software.

Alan Butler is a director of A Butler and Company, chartered certified accountants, based in Derby, providing a personalized service to local business owners and individuals.

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