When you’re starting out in internet marketing, there are a couple of choices you need to make, the main one is what are you going to market, the main choices are affiliate products, Advertising – the way of AdSense (or similar system) or direct products, like Amazon or click junction. Most people go for Advertising space to start with, but in the end this is one of the hardest to make a living off. Then most people start into the Affiliate Marketing, but aren’t sure what to do. Most people go into affiliate marketing using the same methods as they used in AdSense websites, and don’t get results at all and don’t know why.
The main reason is that when you pushing advertising, you don’t need to worry if your visitors are looking for what you are selling, a certain amount of them are going to click on your ads anyway, But as you move into affiliate sales, or real product sales in general clickfunnels pricing plan, that changes. If someone is doing research, or just browsing because they are bored they’ll click on an ad here and there, but won’t buy anything. This is a major thing when it comes to affiliate marketing; you need to attract the people who are looking to buy products, and not just people that are browsing for information.
I have been using the Affiliate funnel system for a little while now, and have found that it shows you step by step on how to get the right people to your website. What it taught me was something i never thought about. It was a big mistake that I, and every other beginner internet marketer makes but isn’t aware of, and that is your mis-targeting your keywords and phrases. What does that mean?
Well let’s say you’re looking to sell sail boards, and someone is searching for “sail board locations”, they aren’t going to be looking to buy thing, when you are targeting for advertising clicks, this doesn’t matter, as long as you get the traffic, somebody will click, they always do. Now if you where to target a phrase like “Cheap Sail board in LA”, now it might only get 1% of the visitors that “sail board locations” gets, but when you get the visitors to your website, you know they are looking to buy a product, because that is what they searched for!
This is one of the many things that the Affiliate Funnel system teaches you. They go in depth into other extremely important area’s as well, like Landing pages, opt in lists and much more. If you are serious about internet marketing, it is a product that you should check out, it’ll save you hundreds of hours of testing out various methods.